Bases: Benchmark
Lotka Volterra benchmark task.
The parameters \(\boldsymbol{\theta} = \{\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta\} \in \mathbb{R}^4\) are sampled from
The Lotka-Volterra equations characterize the evolution of two biological species: preys and predators, whose populations at a time \(t\) are denoted by \(x(t)\) and \(y(t)\) respectively. The two populations evolve as
We define our data as the population levels of each species at 10 equally spaced time intervals, \(\boldsymbol{x} = \{(x(t_i), y(t_i))\}\) for \(t_i \in \{t_f / 10, 2t_f / 10, \ldots, t_f\}\), where the equations are integrated from \(t=0\) until \(t=t_f\).
The model has interesting dynamics, displaying two different fixed points on its phase space. The wikipedia page is worth a read for a quick idea.
[1]: Lotka, Alfred James, and Vito Volterra. "Predator-prey model." Elements of Physical Biology (1925).